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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Thank you very much for expressing interest in publishing with USFQ PRESS!

We are the publishing house of Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ. We promote the mission of the university by disseminating knowledge to train, educate, research and serve the community under the philosophy of the Liberal Arts.

Below, you can find the format for the manuscript to enter our platform as a valid submission to evaluate the proposal.

File Type:

At USFQ PRESS we request that anyone wishing to enter a manuscript into the evaluation process that the document be uploaded to our OMP platform electronically in Microsoft Word format. Here you will find some specifications on how to handle the internal formatting of the documents.

Working with electronic files facilitates the evaluation process, in addition to speeding up the editing of any document. Authors are requested to follow the instructions detailed in the following sections to keep the submitted document as simple as possible.

Format of the document

The general format of the document should be simple and follow the instructions below:

  • Page size A4.
  • Document margins should be customized 2.54 cm on each side.
  • Page numbering should be at the bottom centered of the document using the MS Word function with Arabic numerals.
  • The font type can be Times New Roman or Arial and its size 12 pt in all cases, this includes titles, subtitles and table names, with the exception of footnotes.
  • Footnotes should match the font type of the document and their size should be 10 pt.
  • The line spacing should be 1.5 pt or 1.15 pt, the paragraph style should be indented on the first line and justified.
  • Block quotations should be aligned at 1.25 cm, justified, without indentation and 1.0 pt. spacing.
  • For differences between headings and subheadings in the rest of the body, these should be in bold, aligned to the left. The subtitles accept up to three sub-levels identified with Arabic numerals, for example: 1.1.2, 1.2.4, etc.
  • It is suggested to use the MS Word paragraph styling tool to identify each section and facilitate the creation of the table of contents.
  • The list of references should be titled References and include all sources cited in the text. Bibliographic sources that are not cited within the text should not be included. Likewise, the list should be arranged alphabetically and the paragraph style used should be French indented.
  • To start a new section, chapter or section of the manuscript, a page break should be inserted. Do not use enter until the beginning of a new page.
  • Headings should be aligned to the right, in the same font of the document, size 10 pt, without italics and without bold. If there is a title of a work cited in the heading, it is the only part that should be italicized as if a book were cited in the text.


The titles of books, names of magazines and names of musical albums are written in italics respecting the initial capital letters of the original title. Titles of articles, chapters, album songs or poems are written in regular type enclosed in quotation marks («»).

In-text quotations, whether they are paraphrases, short textual quotations or block quotations, must be correctly identified following the parameters of APA 7th edition. Thus, all quotations must be followed by the following format: (Author's last name, year of publication, page number or page range).

For example: (Perez, 2022, p. 45), (Perez, 2022, pp. 23-27).

Possible exceptions may occur if the author's name has been stated previously and it is easy to recognize that the citation is from that author, in which case the references should only include year and pages.

For example, (2022, p. 46).

Punctuation after a quotation should go at the end of the closing parenthesis in the case of a textual quotation as in a paraphrase. On the other hand, in a block quotation it should go at the end of the quotation and before the opening parenthesis without adding another period at the end of the closing parenthesis.

In the case of short textual quotations, these should be enclosed in the middle of Spanish quotation marks («»), if there are quotation marks within the same quotation, these should be English quotation marks (“”) and if there is a need for a third level, single English quotation marks ('') should be used.


The reference list of the text should be located immediately after the text ends. In case the manuscript has chapters by different authors the reference list should be at the end of each chapter. References should only include sources cited within the text, no extra material that does not appear within the manuscript should be included. The basic format of references should follow APA 7th edition standards.

Images and figures

Images and figures should be sent separately in high quality 300 dpi .jpg format. These should be named as they appear in the text, e.g., Title of work_Figure 1.jpg. Added to this, an MS Word document should be included listing the names and permissions (if required) of the images or figures listing the files by: Figure 1, Figure 2, and so on. The figures will be named within the text in parentheses as follows: (Fig. 1), (Fig. 2), (Fig. ...), etcetera.

Table formatting

Tables must be formatted as tables using the MS Word function or be exported from an Excel document into the Word manuscript. They cannot be graphs or images that emulate a table. Tables must follow the same naming structure as they appear in the text: Table 1, Table 2, and so on. And they will be named in the same way within the text in parentheses: (Table 1), (Table 2), etcetera. The text describing the tables should go together with the name of the table at the top of the table.


All footnotes should be created with the MS Word footnote tool and should be content-based. To use footnotes they must follow the APA 7th edition format. Their use is limited to providing information that complements or enriches the body of the text and its main argument. Footnotes may include, in exceptional cases, supporting references or alternative sources that should be included in the list of references in the text.

Foreign words and latinisms

All foreign words and latinisms used in the text, including those appearing in titles and subtitles, must be written in italics without exception (identify that the spelling of such terms is correct or look for the English adaptation of the term; if the word includes a tilde, possibly the term is adapted to English). If it is a work of literature or fiction, the author may request certain exceptions; in other works of an academic-research nature, there are no exceptions.

Emphasis on terms

Many authors tend to emphasize certain terms that they consider important in their works by writing them in italics or in quotation marks to give a certain emphasis to the word. We suggest that this not be done in manuscripts to be submitted. This is an exception only in literary and fiction works, with due clarification by the author.

Permission guidelines

The use of any type of material outside the original production of the manuscript, i.e., elements such as graphs, charts, tables, illustrations, photographs, databases or any element that is subject to intellectual property outside the author/s of the work and their research must follow the respective process for its correct use. In this case, for each element used, the Authorization for Use of Material form must be filled out and these authorizations must be attached to the submission on the OMP platform.

Declaration of originality and copyright

Finally, to complete the submission, all authors involved in the preparation of the manuscript must declare that the work is original and has been prepared by them in its entirety. In addition, they must declare that the materials used have their respective permissions and have been correctly identified. Likewise, the declaration must include the statement that the materials submitted are free of copyright and that the manuscript is unpublished and is not subject to evaluation processes in another publication or publishing entity. To make this declaration, authors must fill out the Declaration of Originality and Copyright form, and upload it along with the submission on the platform. In addition to this document, the author(s) must fill out the Author Information document so that the proposal can be legally registered with the competent body once it is approved for publication.

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The names and email addresses entered in this press site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this press and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.