Crónicas inconclusas del olvido


Lucía Granja
Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ


poetry, poetry book, new writers


Crónicas inconclusas del olvido is a collection of poems that dives into the deepest recesses of memory and melancholy, through verses woven in the scars of a love that was born from nothing to become an obsession of everything. From here time is measured in poems as an intimate journey of a couple of months. Each poem is an open window to memories waiting to be rescued before falling into the abyss of perpetual oblivion and heartlessness; it is navigating in verse to explore what it is like to fall in love just once in a lifetime. Each word is a desperate attempt to capture the ephemeral essence of what once was, and constantly risks being, a prisoner of the mists of time.



April 2, 2024

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Physical Dimensions