Vecindades de sangre: El vampiro como migrante en la narrativa de las Américas de los siglos XIX y XX


Jorge García
Universidad San Francisco de Quito
María Helena Barrera-Agarwal
Marco Carvajal
Northwestern University
Álvaro Alemán
Universidad San Francisco de Quito


vampires, latin america, eroticism, death, literary criticism


Vecindades de sangre brings together texts that show the journey of the figure of the vampire from Western Europe to the American continent, between 1819 and 1929. This work includes excerpts from novels, poems, sketches of dramatic pieces, short novels, chronicles, biographical sketches and an essay that revolve around the diverse vampiric content adapted to the nascent republics of the Americas. Thus, night, gloom, darkness, sensuality, eroticism, popular beliefs, conflicts and misunderstandings become the protagonists of these stories.


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October 26, 2022

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