Yasuní Tiputini and the web of life


Pete Oxford
Reneé Bish
Kelly Swing
Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ


Parque Nacional Yasuní, Amazonía, Bosque tropical, Conservación, fotografía, fauna silvestre


After a personal account of Pete's experience over a couple of decades in the region, Kelly Swing, professor at the College of Biological and Environmental Sciences COCIBA-USFQ, takes up the pen to write about what the Tiputini Biodiversity Station does scientifically and offers explanations and reflections based on his extensive tenure in the region, his experience with nature, indigenous people, oil companies, scientists and students. Several research contributed chapters about his own work in TBS and Yasuní.

The book ends with maps and satellite images that provide a context and an insertion of the circumstances, past, present and future in the region.



December 1, 2018

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
